Come and Listen To Our Stories...

Come and have an enjoyable evening listening to a diverse group of local writers read short extracts from their own recent writing.  Then ask any questions you like of the readers, about their writing process, what inspires them, or about any aspect of their work.

The bar will be open from 7.00 pm.  See below for all the details, including how to find us.

Photograph by John Bruce

October Event

Our next reading will be on 17th October 2024.

Our guests who will be reading from their recent work are:

  • June Cluett – Hanging Langford – Memoir
  • Martyn Allez – Stoford – Contemporary fiction
  • Linda Shanson – London – Contemporary fiction
  • Andy Maslen – Salisbury – Contemporary fiction
  • Veronica Cossanteli – Salisbury – Childrens Fiction

The evening will be hosted by William Graham.

January Event

The following gathering will be on 17th January 2025

Our guests who will be reading from their recent work are:

  • Maude Martin – Hanging Langford – Comedy
  • Colin Stern –

  • Peter Liney –

  • Sam Pearce –

  • Mark Rutterford –

The evening will be hosted by June Cluett.

TIme and Place

Our Gatherings take place in the Langford Parish Hall, SP3 4PA, which lies in the heart of the Wylye Valley – see map below.

The doors and bar open at 7.00 pm and the readings begin at 7.30 pm and end around 9.00 pm.

Meetings are free but donations are welcome to cover costs (suggested minimum £3)

PARKING: Please park on the East side of Duck Street (left side when facing the hall) and please don’t block the gates and drive of the house on that side or park near the corner.  Thanks.