OUR READERS 20th July 2023

Maude Martin

  • Maude Martin is the pen-name for Tracy Burge who is one of the founders of Wylye Valley Writers.
  • Maude read us a comic short story about a mother, God and death.
  • Maude has performed at Stories at the Chapel, Stories on the Farm and also at Priston Festival.
  • She has also featured on BBC Upload, much to the delight of her Welsh family, who all tuned in.
  • Find out more about Maude on her website.
Maude Martin sq 20 07 23

Tom Bromley

  • Tom read us a comic excerpt from a novel that he is currently writing.  The reading concerned a man faking vegetarianism to seduce a woman.
  • Tom Bromley is a writer of contemporary fiction and non-fiction as well as an internationally bestselling ghost writer.
  • Tom runs the monthly Salisbury Writing Circle and is the director of the Salisbury Literary Festival. He teaches novel writing for Reedsy.
  • Find more about Tom and his books on his website.
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Lisa Conway

  • Lisa writes under the name Elisabeth Conway.
  • Lisa read us an extract from her novel, A Strand of Gold, set in nineteenth century Singapore – the time of Stamford Raffles.  The book is the first of a three-part series she has written that mixes real history with fiction.
  • Find more about Lisa and her books on her website.
Lisa Conway sq 20 07 23

Dave Key

  • Dave read us an extract from his science fiction novel, RealTime, that he is in the final stages of editing.  It concerned trying to unlock the secrets of a recently discovered alien artifact.
  • He recently took part in NanoWriMo, successfully completing a 50,000 word book in a month.
  • One of his short stories won a competition run by the Science Museum in 2001 and will be included in a compilation to be published soon.
Dave Key sq 20 07 23

Rachel Barnett

  • Rachel read us an extract from her recently published, and highly successful, romance novel: A Summer on the Riviera.
  • Her next book, Starlight at Snow Pine Lodge, is scheduled for release on 26th September by Embla Books: “Three friends. One Christmas escape. A week that will see their lives changed forever…”

  • Find out more about Rachel and her writing cave.
  • And about her and her books on Amazon, or on Instagram (RachelBarnettAuthor) and Facebook (LauraRLeeson).
Rachel Barnett sq 20 07 23

Thanks to John Bruce for the Photographs on this page