Reading at Our Events

Would you like to read at one of our future events?

We are always on the lookout for writers who wish to read at our events. 

We want to ensure that our audience will enjoy the evening and and that the writers get the most out of the occasion too.  Therefore we set some criteria when selecting our writer guests. We also intend that they will benefit from taking part. 

Stack of Books

Writer Selection and Benefits

  • Writers read from their own recent work.  This may be published or unpublished.
  • We will usually have heard our writers read or speak in some other forum.
  • We try to maintain a balanced list for each event with a good variety of material.
  • Writers must be prepared to answer questions from the audience about their work and writing process.

Writers benefit from taking part by:

  • Being given a performance opportunity in a friendly setting (something agents and publishers look for).
  • Hearing a live audience react to their stories.
  • Publicity for the author and their recent writing, including on this website.